Saturday, January 22, 2022

Wadi Mujib

        The road, like a Roman road,
        leading straight and level,
        brings us up over a sharply angled bridge
        that spans the deep gorge
        of the Grand Canyon, Wadi Mujib.
        A sleek modern bridge
        that cuts across the crumbling chasm.
        At first I see a suspension bridge,
        but the expected tangled web
        of metal has been supplanted. 

        Instead, neatly etched into space,
        is the profile of two great triangles
        delineated by wide solid bases that soar up
        towards extreme narrowness-
        Geometric precision swiftly shaving girth,
        and the pinnacles seems to dissolve
        into the light air of deep sky.

        The chasm is the Grand Canyon
        of  Jordan, Wadi Mujib.
        Deep red rock with stratum shades
        that flux and fuse into shadow-
        a fissure that holds a shallow river
        as it empties into the Dead Sea.
        We pull over-
        rush up to take pictures.
        Pictures of the chasm,
        that's been there to be gazed at
        since history itself.
        Pictures of each other,
        knowing we're a brief interlude
        on this astonishing landscape.
        Pictures of the exquisite bridge.
        Pictures of rock formations looming
        against blue sky.  Pictures of the water
        way down below, the trickle
        that tickled these tall cliffs into place.
        Pictures of each other posing
        and pictures of each other
        taking pictures.

poem copyright ©2000 Anne Selden Annab

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