Friday, January 21, 2022

The Turk's Railroad

        The Turk's railroad
        is a narrow, small,
        vulnerable, single rail
        that consumed
        all the trees in Jordan.

        Took away shade
        and shelter
        and furniture
        and tools and food
        and left all that
        wasn't drafted
        to wash away.
        No deep roots
        to hold the soil still.
        No shade
              to protect the weary
        or pregnant or lazy.
        They've planted trees again,
        avenues along the road
        borders on property
        and such.
        Trees to take root
        fill the air
        with fragrant greenery
        and flourish.

        There aren't many thick trunks,
        except near old homes,
        One wizened olive or such,
        sequestered in a courtyard.

poem copyright ©2000 Anne Selden Annab

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